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NORVAN 10th Annual Education Day

  • 05/17/2019
  • 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova


  • HINT: Join NORVAN and save $10 instead.
  • $15 discount. Email NORVAN for registration code.
  • Last chance.
  • This level is for student nurses. (Advanced degree programs do not qualify.) Email us for registration code, include the name of the school and semester you are attending.
NORVAN Presents  
10th Annual Education Day 


Friday May 17th, 2019

Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova

11211 Point East Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742


Russ Nassof

PIV Failure - Why a New Standard of care is needed


1. Review the underrecognized and underappreciated risks surrounding PIV catheters and why enhanced stability and securement are critical to prevent PIV complications and meet the standard of care.

2. Identify the elements necessary to meet the evidence-based standard of care and the necessity to incorporate current best evidence along with new technology.

3. Describe what the evidence-based studies have shown with respect to the use of tissue adhesives and PIV failure.

4. Analyze why the failure to incorporate new products/technology which have been proven to prevent adverse events in PIVs resulting from stabilization/securement issues may be a breach of the standard of care and result in poor patient outcomes and increased costs as well as potential liability.


Naomi O'Grady

 Chief, Internal Medicine Service at National Institute for Health; author of 

     CDC Guidelines

CLABSI Rates and CDC Guideline Update


Marcia Ryder

VAD Insertion Site Protection...What are we missing?


describe the pathogenesis of extraluminal biofilm-related CLABSI

   -  describe the risks associated with non-adherent/compromised dressings

   -  List pathogenesis and evidence-based strategies to prevent vascular

      catheter dressing detachment and medical adhesive associated skin injury



Keegan Mahoney

Understanding Catheter to Vessel Ratio


    -  Identify the importance of catheter to vessel ratio

    -  Review the importance of catheter to vessel ratio

    -  Review the evidence supporting vessel ratio

    Presentation based on award-winning poster presentation AVA


Gail Egan

Mistakes: How to prevent them, How to manage them


Mistakes happen for all sorts of reasons (some good, some bad) ...how can

     we reduce them, manage and communicate about them and how to cope

     with them. 


Early Bird Registration, end April 5th

NORVAN Member: $110

Non Member: $150 (Hint: join NORVAN and save $10)

CVAN/BAVAN Members receive a $15 discount.

RN Student: $60

Regular registration, April 6th- April 30th

NORVAN Members $135

Non-Members $175

Late registration May 1st - May 12th 

ALL  $180

Deadline to register:  May 12th

No refunds after:  May 12th , 2019

Light breakfast, lunch and refreshments included.

CE's pending approval


For hotel reservations, contact Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova


Use group code NORVAN

Room rates for conference attendees: 

Thursday May 16th: $129

Please book your rooms by APRIL 25TH

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