Friday April 22nd 2022
Hilton Sacramento Arden West
Dr. Jack LeDonne, MD, VA-BCTM, FACS
Stephanie Pitts MSN, RN, CPN, VA-BCTM
Mathew Gibson RN, CRNI, VA-BCTM
Jim Lacy, BSN, RN, VA-BC™ Principal
Michele Biscossi, ACNP-BC, MS, RN, CNL, VA-BCTM
Early Bird Registration: ends March 15th
NORVAN Member: $125
Non-Member: $165 (Hint: join NORVAN and save $10)
Regular registration: March 16th – April 8th
NORVAN Members: $155
Non-Members: $195
Late registration: April 9th – April 18th ALL: $210
Deadline to register April 18th
No refunds after April 18th
CVAN/BAVAN Members $20 discount non-member $
RN Student: $60
Light breakfast, lunch and refreshments included.
Click to get directions
For hotel reservations, contact Hilton Arden West
Use group code NRV
Room rates for conference attendees:
Thursday April 21st: $159
Please book your rooms by April 1st