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Vendor Sponsor 2023 NORVAN 12th Annual Education Day May 4th

  • 05/04/2023
  • 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Hilton Arden West Sacramento


  • Fee is for one 6ft. table and meals for 2 reps. Each additional rep will cost $60. A maximum of 4 people per company.
  • The table fee includes two representatives. Please add your second person here.
  • Each vendor registration includes two reps. Additional reps are $60 to cover food etc.
  • An alternative to onsite exhibiting is to sponsor at a level of $150. For this you have the privilege of supplying brochures, samples or promotional items to be included in each attendee's conference bag. We will post your company logo with link on our website listing you as a sponsor.

Dear Industry Partner,

On behalf of the Northern California Vascular Access Network, NORVAN, we would like to invite you to our 12th Annual All Day Education Conference, Thursday May 4th, 2023 at the Hilton Arden West, Sacramento, CA.  We would greatly appreciate your support once again as a Vendor sponsor. Please go to NORVAN1.org if you would like to register for this event.

NORVAN has implemented a new policy, we would like all our industry supporters to become NORVAN members.  Please join at the Vendor membership level before completely your event registration. 

The fee for this program is $600 which includes  a 6 foot display table, meals for two people and advertising on our website.
Please register your second Rep under the appropriate level.  
We also offer a lower level of sponsorship for those who are unable to attend the program. For $150 we will insert your materials/samples into each registered attendees bag as well as put a link to your company on our website.  Contact us to find out more. 


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